Will The Use of Artificial Intelligence in the Classroom Benefit or Harm Students?

Despite the challenges, AI has the potential to transform education by providing students with personalized learning experiences and helping them to close the achievement gap.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a powerful tool that can help students with various academic tasks, such as creating texts, answering questions, and solving math problems. However, this also poses ethical and educational challenges that need to be addressed by teachers, parents, and students.

Arguments For and Against

An educator working with high school students offers firsthand insights into AI’s impact on his classroom. He found it imperative to acquaint his students with both the potential and limitations of AI, instructing them in its responsible utilization. Reflecting on instances of misemployment and academic dishonesty stemming from AI utilization, he underscored the necessity for candid discussions.

While acknowledging challenges, this educator also discerns favorable facets of AI, particularly its potential to bridge the educational gap for students lacking access to premium instruction or tutoring. He envisions AI as a means to enhance learning outcomes and rectify disparities, although with a prudent optimism.

On the other hand, an AI data scientist and parent harbors mixed sentiments regarding AI’s role in education. He contends that schools are not yet suitably equipped to implement AI tools in a secure and effective manner. He stresses that schools must embrace AI eventually to remain abreast of the evolving landscape. From his vantage point as a parent, he advocates proactive mentorship to safeguard and support children.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the classroom has both advantages and disadvantages. Here are some of the key points:

Advantages of AI in the Classroom

  1. Personalized Learning: AI-powered educational tools can analyze data on student performance and provide tailored support to improve their grades.
  2. Instant Feedback: AI-powered educational tools can provide students with immediate feedback on their work, allowing them to identify and correct mistakes quickly.
  3. Automation of Repetitive Tasks: AI can grade assignments and quizzes, freeing up teachers’ time for other tasks, such as lesson planning and providing more one-on-one attention to students.
  4. Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS): These systems can function without a teacher having to be present and can effectively challenge and support the learner using different algorithms.
  5. Adaptive Group Formation: By analyzing learner information, AI can generate groups particularly suited to a certain task, or groups that balance one learner’s weaknesses with another learner’s strengths.
  6. Virtual Reality Learning: Realistic immersion in virtual environments can provide learners with a richer understanding of the material.

Disadvantages of AI in the Classroom

  1. Cost: The cost of installation, maintenance, and repair of AI systems can be high, making it difficult for less well-funded schools to benefit from this technology.
  2. Dependence on Technology: There’s a risk that over-reliance on AI could lead to a lack of human interaction and the development of critical thinking skills.
  3. Data Privacy Concerns: The use of AI involves collecting and analyzing large amounts of data, which could raise concerns about student privacy and data security.
  4. Technical Issues: Like any technology, AI systems can experience technical issues or errors that could disrupt learning.
  5. Job Security for Teachers: There’s a concern that as AI becomes more prevalent, it could potentially replace some roles currently filled by teachers.

In conclusion, while AI has the potential to greatly enhance the learning experience in classrooms, it’s important to consider its limitations and potential drawbacks. The key is to find a balance where AI is used as a tool to supplement traditional teaching methods rather than replace them.


  • The potential for AI to be used to personalize learning experiences for each student.
  • The potential for AI to help students learn more effectively by providing real-time feedback and interactive learning materials.
  • The need for teachers to be trained on how to use AI in the classroom.
  • The need for schools to develop policies and procedures for the use of AI in education.
  • The need for research on the impact of AI on student learning.

Intelligent Tutoring Systems

One of the most prominent uses of AI in classrooms is through Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS). These systems are designed to provide personalized instruction and feedback to students, much like a human tutor would. For instance, Carnegie Learning’s MATHia software uses AI to provide students with tailored instruction, feedback, and explanations as they work through various math problems. The system adapts to each student’s unique needs, ensuring they receive instruction that matches their learning pace and style.

Automated Grading

AI is also being used for automated grading, freeing up valuable time for teachers. Tools like Gradescope allow teachers to grade assignments in a fraction of the time it would normally take. This not only makes the grading process more efficient but also allows teachers to provide timely feedback to students.

AI-Powered Chatbots

In addition, AI-powered chatbots are being used to answer students’ queries round the clock. These chatbots can be programmed to answer frequently asked questions, provide information about course content, assignments, and deadlines. For example, Georgia Tech University used an AI-powered chatbot named “Jill Watson” on their online platform to answer students’ questions, saving professors hundreds of hours per semester.

Predictive Analytics

Moreover, AI is being leveraged for predictive analytics in education. It can help identify students who are at risk of falling behind by analyzing patterns in their behavior and performance. This allows educators to intervene early and provide additional support to those students.


In conclusion, the use of AI in classrooms is enhancing the educational experience by providing personalized learning experiences, automating administrative tasks, and offering round-the-clock assistance. As technology continues to evolve, we can expect AI to play an even more integral role in shaping the future of education.

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Verryne Eidsvold

Verryne comes from a very diverse background. She tries not to be judgmental and sees herself as an optimist.